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安徽成考帮 发布时间:2024-07-30 16:54:23



  Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four choices marked ABC and D Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Many of us rely on our smart phones for our everyday cameras.Our phones, however. collect lots of data 21 us, and camera software can automatically make a than a 22 of our location when we take a photo.This is more often a potential safety 23 than a benefit. Let's start with the 24. When you allow your camera to mark your location,photo management apps, 25 Apple's Photos and Google Photos, can automatically 26 pictures into albums based on Jocation. That's 27 when you go on vacation and want to remember28 you were when you took a picture.

  But when you're not traveling.29 your location marked on photos is not great.Let's say you just connected with to 30 on a dating app and shared a photo of your dog.31 you had the location feature turned on when you took the photo, that person could 32 the data to see where you live.Just to be33 ,make sure the photo location feature is off by default(默认情况下).You 34 choose to turn the location feature on 35 to document your vacation,but remember to turn it off when your trip is over.

  ( C ) 21.

  A.with B.above

  C.about D.besides

  ( A )22.

  A.note B.choice

  C.focus D.call

  ( D )23.

  A.harm B.advantage

  C.test D.risk

  ( B )24.

  A. records B. positives

  C.satisfactions D. points

  ( D )25.

  A.of B.as

  C.with D. like

  ( A )26.

  A.sort B.shape

  C.reach D. work

  ( A )27.

  A.helpful B.successful

  C.doubtful D.painful

  ( C )28.

  A.which B where

  C. why D.how

  ( C )29.

  A. letting B. hiding

  C.having D .allowing

  ( D )30.

  A.none B.everyone

  C.anyone D.someone

  ( A )31.

  A.If B.Though

  C.Unless D.Whether

  ( B )32.

  A.edit B.analyze

  C.copy D.erase

  ( C ) 33.

  A.happy B.easy

  C safe D.active

  ( B )34.

  A. might not B.might

  C. must not D.must

  ( D )35.

  A.quickly B.permanently

  C.temporarily D.slowly off







