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安徽成考帮 发布时间:2024-08-15 16:43:46



  I love traveling. When I was a child, my parents used to take me to explore and learn about my little country, Israel. My first trip abroad was at the age of ten to Paris, France, and I fell in love with it. One thing I knew already-the world is big, and for me, it was just the beginning of a long journey to come.

  Some of my best trips took place when I was young and traveled with my family. However, as I grew up and started traveling on my own, I realized how traveling had changed me. The planning, the traveling itself, being all alone, meeting new people, spending hours in airports and on buses, trying new things— all have taught me so much. Most important of all, it shaped me to be the person I am today. Meanwhile, I made new friends, started speaking new languages, discovered new places. But it is never enough-the excitement of traveling is priceless.

  Since the end of 2015, I have been living in New York City (NYC) with my husband and our beautiful dog. We enjoy exploring NYC, as well as traveling around the world.

  Nothing in my life has stopped me from traveling, but I am still learning how to balance (平衡) my daily work and hobby (爱好). My traveling patterns have changed through the years, but the fire inside keeps burning, and I know I'll never stop going on new trips.

  1.What did the author do when she was ten years old?

  A.She moved to Israel.

  B. She left New York.

  C.She took her first trip abroad.

  D.She started to keep a pet dog.

  2.What is the author's biggest gain from traveling?

  A.It brought her to new places.

  B.It taught her new languages.

  C. It offered her new friendship.

  D.It made her who she is.

  3.What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?

  A.She will not stop traveling.

  B.She hasn't changed her way of traveling.

  C.She finds it difficult to control her anger.

  D. She is good at balancing her hobby and work.







